Tag Archives: musicians

Drummer learns the value of family business

My grandson is the drummer in his high school band and is leaning toward a career in the music industry.  Rock star would be nice but other avenues may emerge.  Birthday or holiday gifts for him have switched from WII/Playstation to Zildjian cymbals and drumsticks.  The Grandma became the Guru when at our monthly burger dinner I shared the Zildjian family business history.   He was amazed to learn that Zildjian is the oldest family business in the US founded 14 generations ago in 1623, at Constantinople.  Connecting to his passion of percussion, the door opened to discuss the importance of family businesses to our economy and the music industry.  We also discussed how musicians  grow the economy by creating opportunities for businesses.  After Ringo Starr and the Beatles famous appearance on Ed Sullivan, Zildjian sales skyrocketed.  Synergy between family business and the music industry has many historical roots.

Sharing your passions  with the next generations of leaders helps them see real-time connections between commerce, passion, and legacy.   Appealing directly to the hearts of its customers  Zildjian”s Mission Statement reads “It takes so much more than merely crafting cymbals, drumsticks, and mallets to fulfill dreams and desires of drummers around the globe.  It takes passion and dedication.  Two things we have known for centuries.”   (www.zildjian.com)

Somehow every day take the time to weave into the conversation with your employees and other stakeholders these three concepts:

1.  What you deliver helps someone,  somewhere fulfill a dream

2.   Passion and purpose in what you do adds value to our product/service

3.  Each of you is helping create our legacy

Daily connect the link between passion and commerce in the organization to stimulate your definition of the proverbial bottom line.