Tag Archives: challenge

New waves bring new challenges

The last days of summer surged by last week, and I still can’t let go. What glorious weather we had in Michigan, the land of the changing temps. Being a beach person, I sometimes get a flash of insight with the sand and the waves. Recently, I watched a group of children attempt building a sand castle. They diligently put sand in the buckets, added water, mixed, and formed a mound on the sand. Huge waves repeatedly washed in and destroyed their work. Undaunted they reconstructed only to have the waves continuously wash away their work. Agitated, they seemed ready to give up until someone suggested they build in a new spot further from the water. Remember as kids we were willing to try someone’s suggestion? There was no meeting or debate but lots of enthusiasm for a new idea to meet their goal. It worked; the sand castle was built, and they joyfully celebrated!

How often do we adults just stay on the same path, trying harder in spite of all odds to struggle with what can no longer work? Peter Drucker wrote “Nothing is less productive than to make more efficient what should not be done at all?” Given our changing global economy, each of us as leaders MUST look at what we are doing and decide if it fits where our organization needs to be. Are you frantically trying to become more efficient at a process/product that should no longer be done? Are you really listening to those around you? Today’s leaders must be agile and create a product/service meeting the new needs of our customers. An agile leader repeatedly asks the questions:
1. Is what we are doing today leading to our stated ideal future or just following our comfort zone?
2. What footprints are being planted in the environment today that will likely impact our ideal future?

Like the children on the beach, we each must recognize what isn’t working, challenge our comfort zones, and change direction before our work is ultimately washed out to sea.